Published Essays

Life Uprooted

In The Coachella Review, Summer 2024, June 7

Truth and Consequence 

In Under the Gum Tree Spring 2023, Issue 47, p 26-29; Read the essay

PDF: Truth and Consequence, Under the Gum Tree, Spring 2023

I’m a Cancer Nurse but I Didn’t Spot My Own Son’s Cancer

In HuffPost Personal (July 30, 2022)


In Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing, Dec 2016, Issue 2:4, p 50-56.

PDF: Renovating – Snapdragon Dec 2016

In a House with No Windows or Doors

In Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing, Summer 2022, Issue 8:2, p 59-61

Facing Fears

In Universal Table Anthology, Wising Up Press. Longer Than Expected: Adulthood After Life-Threatening Childhood Illness. A Wising Up Anthology, October, 2017.

PDF: Facing Fears. Longer Than Expected Anthology

On a Way Through

Readers’ Notes. In Ruminate Magazine, Feb 2018, Issue 46,  p 14-15.

PDF: Ruminate – Readers notes – Feb 2018 -A Way Through (1)

Getting Through a Pandemic: Lessons From the Past

In The Pandemic Lens, Nov 10, 2020.  The Pandemic Lens

PDF: The Pandemic Lens. Getting Through the COVID-19 pandemic-Lessons from our ancestors and experiences_Post-White_DS

Check soon for Janice’s latest writing posts!